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Dia Nacional do Café é marcado por ação de valorização das origens produtoras mineiras

National Coffee Day is marked by an action to enhance mining production origins

Conscious consumption is causing positive impacts on the production chain of thecoffee in Minas Gerais. The state accounts for around 50% of the national production and has been standing out for a strategy of differentiation and competitiveness based on the valorization of the production origin. To mark the National Day of Coffee, celebrated on May 24, Sebrae Minas promotes an action to publicize the special coffees of producing regions of the state. Roasters in the regions of Matas de Minas Leste, Cerrado Mineiro Noroeste and Mantiqueira de Minas Sul and Sudoeste are exhibiting and selling coffees with guaranteed origin and quality at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, in Belo Horizonte, where the MEI Week takes place.o MEI.
Those who visit the Museum of Arts and Crafts until Friday will be able to check out and buy specialty coffees in roasted and ground and beans, as well as drinks based oncoffee andcoffee with milk. The purpose of the action is to show consumers the differentials of coffee produced in these regions, with unique quality and properties. The strategy of enhancing the identity of a producer origin is repositioning coffee production in Minas Gerais and opening qualified markets for small producers in the state, says Priscilla Lins, Agribusiness manager at Sebrae Minas.s.
The projects encourage the organization of producers, the sustainability of crops, from a social, environmental and economic point of view, technical and technological improvement to guarantee the quality of grains, as well as access to markets.
It is good to remember that specialty coffees, in general, have a completely different process. They are produced in higher areas, the harvest is manual, selective, taking only the mature grains from the foot. For small producers, who are unable to compete in quantity with the major players in the sector, investment in specialty coffees has proved to be a good deal.
The valorization of the production origin is one of the main trends of the world market ofcoffee. The movement known as the third wave of coffee continues to open opportunities for the sector in the national market, just note the increase in interest in openinge coffee shops.
In 2018, the segment was the first in the ranking of the most downloaded themes on the Sebrae Minas website, with more than three thousand downloads by people looking for information to open a business. In addition, the number of businesses related to the business grew by 27.5, totaling 26,470 establishments in the
National Day ofCoffee
May 22-24
9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Museum of Arts and Crafts Praça da Estação / BHH
Participants:Coffee dos Reis Matas de Minas, Arabica Best Coffee Cerrado Mineiro and Amora Specialty Coffee Mantiqueira de MinasMinas)
Producing regionscoffee of Minas Gerais
Cerrado Mineiro
• Only region of the country with the Denomination of Origin for thecoffee
• 21 of mining grain productiono
• 55 producing municipalities
• 189,183 hectares of crops
• 7.1 million bags in 2018
• 4,5 thousand producers
• Altitudes between 800 and 1,300 meters
• Pole City: Sponsorship municipality with the highest production of coffee of Brazil
Mines of Minas
• 2nd largest producer region ofcoffee Arabica of the state behind only the South of Minass)
• 23 of the mining production of coffee
• 63 producing municipalities
• 278,811 hectares of crops
• 7.5 million bags in 2018
• 36 thousand producers
• Altitudes between 600 and 1,300 meters
• Pole city: Manhuaçu
Mantiqueira de Minas
• Recognized as an Indication of Origin for its secular tradition and worldwide reputation for the high quality of its coffees
• 65 of the mining production of coffee is concentrated in the South of Minas, where the Mantiqueira de Minas Region is located
• 25 producing municipalities
• Altitudes between 900 and 1,400 meters
• Pole City: Carmo de Minas
Source: Abic
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